Tailwind for Pinterest

Tailwind is a scheduling app for Pinterest.  Simply upload your pins to the app and then set your day time and the boards you want the pins to go on and then forget about it.

Tailwind is designed to save you time on your marketing.  You can sign up for a free trial where the first 100 things you pin are free.  If you sign up from my referral link, you can get a free month AFTER you use your 100 free pins.

Here is how Tailwind can work for you:
  • Save time marketing on Pinterest.  Schedule several weeks or months in a few hours and don't look at it again until it is time to schedule more.  
  • Schedule pins to go out at the most optimized times to get the most views.  
  • Schedule pins at the same days and times each week to show Pinterest your active and consistent with pinning without having to log in each day at the same time every day.
How does it work?
First, after signing up for your free trial period,  you will download  the tailwind app to your computer (or device you use for pinning).  You will then have the option to schedule directly from pinterest.

The first thing you need to do in tailwind, after sinking your Pinterest account is to set your schedule.  You do that with the "Your Schedule" option on the dash board.

Then, you will see a page like this.  You click the times you wish to have your pins go live on Pinterest.  Tailwind automatically chooses the optimum times for your account. Starting out, you can do 5-10 a day then move up as you have more to pin.  The optimum amount per day is between 25 and 30.

When you are ready to schedule your pins, you can do so directly from Pinterest.  Go to your main store board and you can schedule from the board itself (by clicking the tailwind app button like it is presented on the left) or you can click on the pin and schedule from there (as seen on the right).

Once you click the button, this image pops up.  You then choose the board you want to repin your pin to.  You can choose 1 or more to repin your items to.  Once you choose 2 or more boards, a "Use Interval" button pops up to the left of the schedule now button.  Click that to set an interval between pinnings, usually once every 30 days is the norm.

You can schedule both your pins and other pins on Tailwind.  You can schedule a few weeks or months out at a time.  Then Tailwind will send you a reminder when it is time to schedule a new batch of pins!

Tailwind Tribes
It is so easy to use this site for marketing your business.  There is also a feature called Tailwind Tribes that allows you to add your pins to these groups for others to repin directly from Tailwind.

Again, by signing up with this referral link, you will be able to get not only the free trial of 100 pins, but also a full month of unlimited pinning for free!


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