One Hundred Ways to Celebrate the 100th Day of School

Here is a list of 100 ideas that you can do in your classroom or adapt for your home to celebrate the 100th day of school!  Links are provided to the printables needed to complete some of the activities.

1.  Count to 100.
2.  Dress up as a 100 year old person.
3.  Write a story:  If I were 100 I would...
4.  Write a story:  If I had $100 I would buy...

5.  Make 100th Day Hats
6.  Make a necklace out of 100 pieces of cereal.
7.  Flip a penny 100 times and record the results.
8.  Use q-tips to put 100 dots on a sheet of paper.
9.  Put 100 stickers on a hundreds chart.
10.  Hide 100 pieces of candy around the room and have the students find them.
11.  Make a 100th day snack by using two round cookies and one graham cracker stick.

12.  Complete a 100s Chart Mystery Picture.
13.  Do 100 exercises.

14.  Snack: Give students 10 pieces of 10 different types of small snack like foods to total 100 pieces.
15.  Have students bring in 100 items in a bag.
16.  Make a picture out of a one and two zeros.
17.  Give students 100 blocks and have them build something.
18.  Give students 100 plastic cups and see what they build.
19.  Race to 100!  Have students roll dice to see who can add their rolls up to 100 first.
20.  100s Chart Mix up!  Mix up the numbers of the 100s chart and have the students fix them.
21.  Penny Hunt:  Hide 100 pennies around the room and have the students find them!
22.  Number Hunt: Hide the numbers 1-100 around the room and have students find and put them in order.
23.  Sort 100 objects by color, shape or size.
24.  Read 100 words.
25.  History Lesson: What was life like 100 years ago.
26.  Measure 100 inches or feet.
27.  Using playing cards, make a stack of cards that add up to 100.
28.  Make up different math problems that equal 100.
29.  Complete a 100 piece puzzle.
30.  Skip Count to 100.
31.  Give students a handful of coins and have them come up with as many $1 combinations as they can.
32.  Make 100th Day shirts using 100 finger prints.
33.  Write:  In the next 100 days, I want to learn...
34.  Talk about what you think the world will be like 100 years from now.
35.  Write the number 100 on a large sheet of paper and cover it with stickers or other craft objects.
36.  Make puzzles using a 100s chart for students to put together.
37.  Write: I wish I had 100.... because...
38.  Write the numbers 1 to 100.
39.  Try to stack 100 pennies.
40.  Make as many words as you can using the letters in the words "one hundred."
41.  How many times can you __________ in 100 seconds.
42.  Complete 100 math problems.
43.  Make 100 rhyming words!
44.  Count to 100 with Jack Hartmann Videos!
45.  Make the number 100 with pattern blocks.
46.  Draw a creature with 100 legs or eyes.
47.  Write:  I would not want 100__________ because ____________.
48.  Draw a picture of what you would look like at 100 years old.
49.  Make a list of 100 items (nouns, animals, verbs, adjectives, etc)

50.  Make 100th Day Glasses
51.  Read 100 words.
52.  Write:  What could you eat 100 of?
53.  Make 100 tally marks.
54.  Find objects that are 100 inches or cm long.
55.  Have 3 different sized jars and ask the students if 100 of a given object will fit inside each jar then test their predictions.
56.  Have 3 jars filled with objects and have students guess which one has 100 objects inside.

57.  Find the number 100 in a number search.

58.  Make a 100th Day watch.
59.  Give students 100 dot stickers and have them create a picture.
60.  Give each letter a number value and challenge students to build words that equal 100 points.
61.  Make a pizza with 100 toppings.
62.  Make a chocolate chip cookie with 100 chocolate chips.
63.  Have students pop 100 balloons.
64.  Make a paper chain with 100 rings.
65.  Make a stick with 100 snap cubes.
66.  Give students 100 pipe cleaners and see what they build.
67.  Give each student a 100 Grand chocolate bar.
68.  Collect 100 autographs.
69.  Make a cupcake craft with 100 sprinkles.
70.  Make a Dalmatian craft with 100 spots.
71.  Ask students to make predictions of if they can eat a lollipop in 100 licks.  Let them test out their predictions.
72.  Have students make 20 hand prints and skip count by 5 to 100.
73.  Record 100 acts of kindness done though out the day.
74.  Tally the number of times the kids say your name during the day to see if they get to 100.
75.  Make a hopscotch board to skip count by 10s to 100.
76.  100th Day Breakfast: 1 sausage link and 2 pancakes.
77.  Make a caterpillar with 100 circles.
78.  Read 100 books in one day (between all the students)
79.  Write you own math word problems that will have the answer of 100.
80.  Have 100 sticky notes available for students to decorate and then arrange them into a square and display on the way.
81.  Loop 100 paper clips together to make a chain.
82.  Cover a tennis ball with 100 rubber bands.
83.  Cut paint strips apart by color and have students create pictures using 100 pieces.
84.  Make a picture using 100 pom poms.
85.  Line up dominoes so the dots equal 100.
86.  Make a 100th day quilt by having students decorate each number 1-100 and then hanging the pictures in a square on the wall.
87.  Fill a fish bowl with 100 gold fish.
88.  Build a tower out of 100 blocks.
89.  I can run 100 feet. (outdoor activity!)
90.  Graph a set of 100 objects by color or shape.
91.  Give students 100 paper squares to create a mosaic.
92.  Snack: Give each student 100 pieces of popcorn.
93.  Split students into teams (2 or 3) and hid the numbers 1-100 around the room in 2-3 different colors (depending on the number of groups).  Have students race to see which group will find all their numbers first and place them in the correct order.
94.  Give students 100 pattern blocks and see what they build!
95.  Make a 100th day of school tie.
96.  Fill a cup with 100 drops of water.  Make predictions of how full you think the cup will be and test your hypothesis.
97.  Write a list of 100 things we know.
98.  Have students look through magazines and cut out 100 pictures of things they like.
99.  Learn to say the number 100 in other languages.
100.  Take a survey of 100 people and graph your results!


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