Getting Started - Teachers Pay Teachers

So, you've been teaching a while and have made some resources for use in your own classroom, or home if you home school, and now you are interested in selling... what do you do?

There are two selling platforms that I am familiar with and this post focuses on Teachers Pay Teachers.

How to Sign Up
First, visit this link and create your free basic seller account.  It is fast and easy to do and will not cost you anything until you decide to upgrade your account to premium.  For basic sellers, you receive 65% of your sales less a 30 cent transaction fee per product. When you go for the premium membership, you will receive 80% of your sales and you will have no transaction fee!  When you sign up for your account, Teachers Pay Teachers will ask you for a payment option to send you your revenue.  You can choose PayPal (you get a small transaction fee when they transfer your money to your account) or Dwolla.  This is purely personal choice on your part. 

Why the Premium Membership
If you are going to be active and serious about your store, I highly recommend the premium membership, even if you haven't made that much in your store yet.  You will get 15% more profit from your sales AND you get to keep that 30 cents from every product.  Other perks from the membership is the ability to load video previews, upload larger files to sell and the opportunity to attend the Teacher Pay Teacher conference in the summer.

I opened my store... Now what?
Great!  You have a Teacher Pay Teacher store, now create, create, create!  The number one thing a new seller needs to do is to make new products!  You can't sell anything if you do not make anything... or post it!  After creating and uploading your new resource, simply pin it to Pinterest and move on to the next product.  Once you have around 20 or so products, you can begin branching out your marketing efforts. (See this post coming soon)

Ok, Create!  But what do I make?
The sky is the limit here.  Anything a teacher or administrator might use or find useful can be sold on Teachers Pay Teachers.  Post products that you have made for your classroom.  Make products you would like to have and sell those.  If you are no longer in the classroom, make products you wish you had!  How do I know my product is ready to post on Teachers Pay Teachers?  I address this question in this post.

Are you ready to begin your Teacher Pay Teacher journey?  Visit THIS LINK to sign up for the basic seller account to get started!  You can upgrade to premium whenever you like!

If you already have a store and some products and you want to know more about marketing your products, check out THIS LINK!

**Please note this page contains affiliated links which means that I receive a small commission at no cost to you when you purchase or sign up for certain products or programs.


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