Letter A Activities

Looking for activities to go along with teaching the letter A?  Look below to see the activities we have done!
When introducing the letter A, I like to give the kids a large outline of the letter to do with what they want to, just so they can see the letter and get used to how it looks.  My two year old decided he wanted to color with markers and wanted to put some apple stickers on it as well!


This is a fun little activity I saw on one of my preschool Facebook groups.  Get a box and fill it with things that start with the letter you are working on!  Here is our letter A box: apple slice, alligator, A magnet, airplanes, cards from our letter A train and Apple Jack!  As we find more A things we will add them to our box!   [When my son started the alphabet, we just collected items.  That is the picture to the right.]

We sorting capital and lowercase letter As with these sorting mats.  We looked through magazines to find examples of the capital A and the lowercase a and glued them on the correct letter!

A is for apple!  Doing an apple theme while teaching the letter A is an excellent idea!  I wrote a blog post with activities devoted to just apples.   It is called Apples, Apples, Apples!  The above picture is an apple craft we made using a lowercase letter a outline.  My kids colored the letter a red and glued cut out leaves, stems and seeds to make it look like an apple!

A is for Alligator!  Here is our alligator craft!  My two year old still loves to "do" the glue!  He stuck on three teeth himself but Mommy had to help with the rest.

I made this poster with my son.  I wrote the capital and lowercase letter and he wanted to write it too.  I gave him the marker and he proceeded to write his A (the big circle in the middle).  I found some pictures that started with A and we talked a little about the sound it makes as we taped each picture to our poster.  I then gave him some apple stickers to put on there.  He loved that part the most!  If it had been a full sheet of stickers I am sure he would have used them all.

A is for Angel:  Here is a cute angel craft for the letter A!  I originally made this as a Christmas activity, but it would work great for a letter A activity as well!  My daughter loved making this for our Christmas tree!  You can make it super simple like we did or spruce it up with glitter and sequins!   

Build the letter A with snap cubes or blocks!  You can build a model for them to follow or you can have the child figure it out themselves.

Alphabet playdough mats were a huge hit around here!  These capital and lowercase letter pages are perfect for preschoolers to practice forming letters.

These pouch top mats are also a huge hit at home.  They have capital and lowercase mats.  My son asked to do this several times while learning his letters!

My son loves dab it markers, so I printed out these letter searches for him to use his markers to find the letters on this page.  His tracing the letter was a bonus!

My son has always loved clip cards.  I made these with real photographs.  There is a set where he has to pick out the picture that begins with the letter and a set where he has to clip the letter the picture begins with.  These clip cards are part of this letter packet.

This sorting activity is for sorting picture cards with long A and short A sounds.  This sorting activity is part of this letter packet.

Practice handwriting with these letter A tracing cards.  Laminate the cards and use dry erase markers for multiple uses!Practice handwriting with these letter A tracing cards.  Laminate the cards and use dry erase markers for multiple uses!
These writing cards are a great addition to your writing center during an A themed week!  I printed, cut out and laminated the cards.  My son loved the fact we could eraser and write on them again.  These cards are part of this letter packet.

Complete these alphabet puzzles to practice letter A beginning sounds.Practice counting to 10 as you put pictures together of things that start with the letter A.Practice spelling words that begin with the letter A with these puzzles.
Puzzles are a great addition to any alphabet center.  One set for matching pictures to the letter A, one set for practicing counting while building a picture of something that starts with A and another set where students spell words that start with A.  (These puzzles are part of this packet ---> Letter A Activity Packet.)

Practice sorting letters that are the letter A and letters that are not the letter A.Sort between pictures that begin with the long A sound and the short A sound.
These two sorting pages make great cutting practice.  The first page you sort letters that are A and letters that are not A.  The next one you sort pictures that begin with the long A sound from pictures that begin with the short A sound.   (These page are part of this packet ---> Letter A Activity Packet.)

Complete patterns with these patterning strips.
Patterning is another important skill for preschoolers and young elementary students.  These patterning cards were a favorite for my son.   (This pattern set plus several others are part of this packet ---> Letter A Activity Packet.)

Match the letter As that look the same in this letter A memory matching game.
 These alphabet cards are very versatile.  We used them for letter hunts and matching games.  They can make great cards for flash cards, salt trays or writing centers.   (These cards are part of this packet ---> Letter A Activity Packet.)

Read words that begin with the letter A with these fluency cards.
These letter cards are great for introducing new A words.   (These cards are part of this packet ---> Letter A Activity Packet. ---  These cards are also available with real photographs  ---> Alphabet Cards with Real Photographs)

Use stamps to complete each page.  Match the letters to the stamp.
 My son absolutely loves this new addition to our alphabet routine.  Stamps are his new found love.  (These stamping mats are found here ----> Alphabet Stamping Mats)

These letter mats are great for using manipulatives like mini erasers or dot markers.  Simply place the erasers or dot with the markers in each circle to build the letters!  They are a great hands on activity!  (These mats are found here ---> Alphabet Mats)

These word cards are perfect for introducing letter A words!  (These cards are part of this letter packet.)

Other Letter A Themed Ideas:

Chants and Songs: 

Letter A Chant
Big A, Little A
What begins with A?
Apple, ant and alligator
All begin with A!

Letter A Song
A says /a/
A says /a/
Every letter makes a sound.
A says /a/

The Ants Go Marching!

Five Little Monkeys Swinging in a Tree
Five little monkeys swinging in a tree
Teasing Mr. Alligator, "You can't catch me!"
Along comes Mr. Alligator as quite as can be
And he snaps that monkey right out of that tree!
(Repeat with 4, 3, 2, and then 1 monkeys)

Apples and Bananas

Animal Action -- Found on the Greg and Steve DVD

Animal Game:  Say: The children are sleeping, sleeping, sleeping.  When they wake up they all act like ___________" and either the teacher or chosen student chooses and animal for everyone to act like.  Repeat as many times as you like.

Foods and Snacks for the Letter Aa:
Animal Crackers
Ants on a Log - celery with peanut butter in the middle with raisins on top for ants.
Apple Cider
Apple Cobbler
Apple Juice
Apple Pie
Apple Pretzels
Apple Slices
Apple Turnovers


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