Kindergarten Week 14 and 15

So the last two weeks have been very unconventional in our home school journey.  For week 14, we were out of town at my grandmother's house.  I told my daughter I would only take a few days of school since we were already 8 days behind, but that I would not make her have school lessons everyday since we were technically on vacation.

I love the way my daughter will sometimes do her writing in artistic ways.  She loves to be cutesy and loves art, so I do not correct her when she does things like the above writing.  She did what I asked in a way that was fun for her.  The fact that she thought to make her letters this way was impressive to me as I've never modeled letters looking like this nor have I ever seen her make them this way before.  Everyday we do school work, I have her write the date as the first thing we do.  We talk about the days of the week, month of the year and the number of the day during this time as well!

We did another guided writing activity during week 14.  This time it was on pumpkins.  She likes being confident that she is writing sentences on her own without having to worry if her words are spelled correctly.  This is only the second writing assignment I have done with her where I had her write sentences in her journal book.  I want to incorporate more writing and am in the process of making more lessons for her.  :)

During week 15, we only did school Monday-Wednesday.  We took Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving.  This week, we did an activity where we took 3 balls of clay that we the same size and weight and then made two of them into something else, but made sure to use all the clay from that ball.  My daughter made a cookie and I made a duck.  We then weighted the clay to see that even though they were different shapes, they were all made from the same amount of clay and therefore all wright the same amount!

We also talked about capacity and how larger containers have a larger capacity and can hold more water.  We also talked about how if we put 1 cup of water in our measuring cup and then poured that cup of water into another container of a different size, we still would have a cup of water.  We then poured the water back into the measuring cup to show that it was still the same amount!

We had a blast for Thanksgiving.  My daughter loves to help cook and the above picture is where she is helping me make biscuits for my mom to use to make dressing.  She had to make herself a smiley face biscuit! 

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