Kindergarten Week 25

We had another short week this week as my girl left this morning for a trip to see her great-grandmother.  We started 2 new units this week and had some fun activities to go along with them!

The first new unit we started was learning about land forms.  I had not really prepared any in depth lessons on this subject and only planned to introduce the concepts and different types through pictures.  After looking at the pictures I thought I needed a way to at least test whether she understood, so I made these simple sheets for her to draw a picture.  We did 3 land forms on each sheet.

Here is another fun craft that I found on pinterest!  She LOVED stamping her hearts to make this picture.

The second new unit we did this week was to start our word families.  I plan to complete 1 word family a week with her.  This week was the -AT family.  She made this -AT family flower to introduce the words.

We used this -AT family sentence mat to read sentences and match the pictures that corresponded with the sentences.

I also had her read sentences and circle all the -AT words.  She is getting so much better on her reading.  By Thursday, she was saying -AT words without having to sound out each part!

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