Weather Themed Crafts and Activities
This picture is called painting with rain. We simply placed powdered tempera paint onto the plate and splattered water onto the plate. Then, shake off the extra paint and you are left with what looks like rain splats on the plate!
This was one if the favorite activities of my pre-k kids when I taught. I had 3 different sized "puddles" and the students had to guess how many feet would fit in the puddle. They then got to take off their shoes and test their guesses!
This is a very simple craft where students create a blue college on a raindrop pattern (found in this packet). This particular student chose to color with a blue crayon and add scraps of blue paper and tissue paper on their rain drop. Other craft supplies can include pom poms, markers, paint, dab it markers, stickers, etc.
This activity, students dictated why they were happy when it rains...

and this pictures shows students answer why they are sad when it rains. We took a poll on who liked rainy weather and who did not like rainy weather and then followed up with this raindrop activity.
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