Outside Activities with Chalk

Summer is almost here.  Schools are letting out and kids will be outside more.  Chalk is one of those outside activities that can be fun and can be made to be educational.  Help students reinforce skills they learned in school with these fun outdoor chalk activities.

Write numbers on the ground and have your child find that number of objects to place inside each square.  In this photo, my children chose to collect rocks.  They are hard to see against the concrete!

Here, the kids looked for objects around the yard that started with each letter.  R is for rocks. G is for grass.  L is for leaf and when I went to snap this picture they were searching for flowers for the letter F.

Instead of a worksheet, why not let them do it one the ground?  I made a simple ABC match for my daughter to match capital and lowercase letters.

Here, I wrote my sons name on the concrete and had him attempt to trace over the letters.  He is still young, so not able to do this yet.

 But he absolutely loved painting over the letters of his names.

Since my daughter is learning sight words, I let her trace over the sight words with chalk and then painted over the words with water.

You can also trace and paint letters, numbers and shapes.

You can also write the letters  on the ground and have the child jump from letter to letter and say each one as they jump.  If they already know the letter, they can say the sounds.  This can be done with numbers and shapes as well.

You can also write the sight words your child is or has learned and have them jump from word to word while saying each one.

Your child can also practice spelling their name.  Write their name on the ground with chalk and have your child step or jump from letter to letter and say each one!


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