Tips for Using Toilet Paper Rolls

So everyone has them.  They lurk in your bathrooms... the empty toilet paper rolls.  Most of the time these little gems end up in the garbage, but did you know they make great used in the classroom or home school with crafts and other activities?  In this post I will outline the ways we have used these paper tubes in our home school.

Make centerpieces stand up with toilet paper rolls, like we did with this Thanksgiving turkey.  We used THIS TEMPLATE to decorate and make our turkey centerpiece.

We used toilet paper rolls to make this Christmas tree topper.  We used THIS TEMPLATE to create these cute angel to top our Christmas tree!

We took our toilet paper tolls and turned them into hearts to make heart stamping paintings for Valentine's Day.

We used toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls to make trees for our rain forest habitat box we made when learning about the rain forest.  This project was on of my daughter's favorite activities!


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