A Field of Corn!

My kids love corn.  They have never really seen corn that had just been picked, so I found two ears for us to play with and learn about!

I showed them the ears of corn and we talked about what they were and the part of the corn we could see was called the husk.

I then gave each child their own ear of corn to take the husk off.  This was a great fine motor activity. My two year old ripped his apart before the 5 year old.  I do not know if you can tell from the picture, but the 2 year old tried to bit into his corn right after removing the husk!

They then washed their ears of corn in a bucket.  I then took the corn inside to let it cook and we then began some fun craft activities to go along with the corn theme!

My son's ear of corn had a surprise inside!  There were to small ears of corn hidden within the husks.  My daughter wanted to know if she could eat the "baby corn."  I told her, "no," but we would do something fun with them!

We used the small ears to roll in paint to make corn prints!  They had a blast rolling the paint around and having some of the colors mix.  The 2 year old did not want to stop!

Here is the finished product!  Two year old on top, five year old on the bottom!

We then made these fun corn crafts.  I use a template to make the corn pattern and then we decorated it by the directions in the packet!

Finally, we ate the corn we worked with earlier that day for lunch!  My son just licked his.  He was not interested in eating it.  My daughter ate all of hers.  "It's so buttery and yummy!" was all she kept saying!


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