Kindergarten Week 8

Lysol and disinfecting wipes... that was my week.  After a second, then a third round of viruses for my kiddos, I am ready to be done with this week!  Hopefully we ALL start next week happy and healthy!

We did manage to do a little bit of school this week, but not much.

By far the favorite activity for the week, this spider craft engaged both my 2 year old and my 5 year old.  We used this template to make our spider.  My son sat for longer than normal coloring his spider.  He had to color his belly, then his eyes, then he had to give the spider a nose.  He then wanted to turn the spider over and color his back!  He made one of the wiggly legs himself (just kind of crumpled the paper in his hand) and when it didn't look like the one I was showing him he handed me the other legs and said, "Here Mommy.  You do it."  He liked helping me tape the legs to his spider!  We hung them up in the door way to the playroom.  When Grandma game to visit my son ran to her and showed her his spider.  "Look, Grandma!  Spooky spider!"

We finished up the last activity we had for recycling.  It was this sort where we separated the pictures as to whether they were paper, plastic, glass or metal.

This letter A poster was made with my son's help.  He tried to "write" the A in the middle (he wanted to make the A like Mommy).  I found examples of words that started with A and he helped me tape them to the poster.  He really loved getting to put the apple stickers on all by himself!  Great fine motor skill!

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