Kindergarten Week 19

We have been off school a while and now trying to get back into the swing of school!  We had one day of school, then BOOM!  The biggest snowfall my kids have ever seen happened!

This is just one of the 100s of pictures I took of the scenery and my kids during this once in a life-time storm for us.  Last time this area had a comparable snow fall was in 1989... I was 5 years old.  We got over 4 inches of snow in a few hours.  My daughter (who is now 5) was so excited to build a snowman.  Unfortunately the snow was too dry and would not pack at all.

In honor of all the snow, and lack and much of any schooling going on (other than learning all about snow first hand) we made this melting snowman art work.

We also made a snowman drawing.  If we were able to build a snowman, what would he look like?  I gave her some chalk and she created this masterpiece!

We have been working several weeks learning about the rain forest.  We have been making this rain forest habitat with each box representing a different layer of the rain forest.  My daughter has loved learning about the rain forest and can't wait to finish this box so she can add animals and play!

When we did have a focused day of school, we worked on our reading skills with these CVC reading and blending cards.  My daughter was able to sound out the words and then check her reading by opening up the card!  She liked having the independence this activity gave her.

I am still working on letters with my youngest.  We only do projects when he is willing.  He loved tearing the cotton to make this letter C cloud!

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