Alphabet Flip Books

One of my newest products are these alphabet flip books.  They are designed to help students to learn their letters by finding, tracing, writing and learning beginning sounds.  There are 6 different activities to engage your student's learning.  

The first page is a seek and find page.  Students will circle the capital letter and put a square around the lowercase letters.

The second page is a find and color page.  Students will color the circle that contains the correct letter.

This page can be competed several ways.  Students can use magazine letter cut outs to complete the page or use the provided letters to cut and paste to the page.

This page is for students to trace and write the letters.  They have one line for tracing each letter and two lines for writing each letter.

This page is optional and for students who are ready to learn beginning sounds.  Students will color all the pictures that begin with the letter.

This final page is also optional.  Students will trace the words that begin with the letter and then draw a picture to match the words.

This product can be purchased here are a complete alphabet set:
Alphabet Flip Books A-Z 

Find each individual flip book below!

Letter A Flip Book
Letter B Flip Book 
Letter C Flip Book
Letter D Flip Book 
Letter E Flip Book
Letter F Flip Book
Letter G Flip Book
Letter H Flip Book
Letter I Flip Book
Letter J Flip Book
Letter K Flip Book
Letter L Flip Book
Letter M Flip Book
Letter N Flip Book
Letter O Flip Book
Letter P Flip Book
Letter Q Flip Book
Letter R Flip Book
Letter S Flip Book
Letter T Flip Book
Letter U Flip Book
Letter V Flip Book
Letter W Flip Book
Letter X Flip Book
Letter Y Flip Book
Letter Z Flip Book


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