Fun and Creative Ways to Teach Students to Spell and Write their Name

We had such a fun time learning to write our name.  My daughter was so focused and eager to learn her name and to write it perfectly.

Here is one idea we did when she was learning to spell her last name.  We built our last name with building bricks!

I also wrote her name on a large sheet of paper and let her cover the letters with stickers.  You can use any small craft objects to cover the letters, like pom poms, paper squares, dab it markers... etc.

I also made her a puzzle to use to learn to spell her name.  I would give her the puzzle everyday, first thing, and have her put the letters in order and then write her name. (The pic shows the one I made for my son).  I made mine on the computer but you can easily use index cards or cut up construction paper.

Write the child's name with a highlighter and have the child trace over their name.

 Move the name learning outside and have your child trace their name in chalk.

 And when they are done with the tracing, they can paint over their name with water.  My son LOVED this activity!

Another activity is to write their name on the ground.  Have them step on each letter or jump from letter to letter and say the letter as they land on each one!

I am getting ready to teach my three year old how to spell and write his name (well more recognizing as I don't expect him to actually write it just yet).  I have made him a name folder to put all his tracing pages inside page protectors for him to use dry erase markers on!  To learn more about this packet, please see this post!

Are you looking for more great name practice ideas?  Check out my pinterest board that is dedicated to Name Learning Activities!


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