Kindergarten Week 33

We have been very sporadic with our lessons the last 2 weeks due to family being in town and sickness running though our home, so this post will cover what we have done since our last post!

My daughter has been enjoying learning how to count money!  These activities, which focus on introducing and counting pennies were some we used the first day.  The piggy bank page is a free download from Tweet Resources and the booklet is a free download from Klassy Kinders!

We also explored our pennies and had fun looking for Abraham Lincoln on the back of the penny!

Someone has a birthday soon!  She, on her own, decided to make a countdown chart where she will cut off one number each day until she gets to the end, then it will be her birthday!

We have bee learning about Mexico the last few weeks and we did this yarn art after looking at pictures of traditional yarn paintings of the Huichol people of Mexico!

My 3 year old son is also finally beginning his school journey.  He has begun loving to read books and is now bringing me several each day to read to him.

He began to use his tracing book I made for him early!  He wanted to "do school" like his sister, so I pulled out this book (made with free printables from various places online).  He loved it and I think he did a great job for his very first attempt!

Yesterday we went on a few walks because the weather has been so nice!  My son found a leaf on the ground and HAD to pick it up.  We get about half way home when he stops me and makes me look.  "My leaf has a shadow too!"  I love impromptu lessons!


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