Alphabet Trains and a FREEBIE

My son is only two and he LOVES trains.  It is his favorite thing to play with.  He sleeps with his Henry train every night.  He watches videos on Youtube of trains just going do the track.  Did I mention he LOVES trains?

Well, this past week, he has really wanted to "play school" with his sister.  I've let him join in crafts and given him the letter A to color a couple of times and today, I decided to try out a new center activity I made with the intentions of saving it until he was older.  He saw me working on it on the computer and got really excited, "Mommy, train!  I watch it Henry train?"  He thought I was watching a Youtube video with Henry the train in it since the train car I was working on was green.  I explained that I wasn't watching a video but would print out the pictures for him to play with if he wanted me to.  He was super excited about that! After a paper jam (which took me 20 minutes to figure out how to get the jammed, but not really jammed paper out of the printer) he had his letter A train set.

I laid it out on the table to show him how to build it and he was quick to say, "I do it, Mommy!"  He placed the last four cars to his train, sideways, but every so cutely!

He then thought to put the paper trains on his wooden train track.  "I make it go on my track!"  He began lining them up on the track and then taking his actual trains and trying to make them all go together.

He played with them this way quite a while then his sister came in to see what we were doing.  

She came up with the idea of putting them in the wooden train cars and taking them for a ride!  

I've finished A-C so far and have already placed a bundle in my store for the entire alphabet.  It is priced low right now and as new letters are added the price will go up.

If you want to check out a set of these trains for free, just hope over to my store and check out the Letter C Train!

To see the full set, check out the Alphabet Train Bundle!

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