Kindergarten Week 6

Well, another slow week on the Kindergarten front.  My husband said it seemed like we don't "do" school more often than we do.  Some weeks it does seem like it!  Monday we were traveling, Wednesday I had a meeting and Friday her cousin came to town, so we really only had two formal school days this week.  In our defense, when we have "no school days" we still read and do art and simple things like that, just not any of our curriculum.  It is why I like homeschooling so much!  It is so flexible!

We continued learning about resources this week, and focused on natural and man made resources.  We did this little sort to learn about the difference between the two.

We continued learning about our family and this week focused on where we live.  I had my daughter draw our house.  Apparently her bedroom is a very important place to her as she drew the bunk beds that she and her little brother share and her night stand.

We also expanded out learning our from our house to include our neighborhood.  Last week we learned about simple maps and this week we drew our section of the neighborhood!

We began our math unit on 3D shapes this week.  We started off with the cube.  She loved helping me fold our cube block that I got from Little Adventures Preschool!

We continued our fall theme with this craft.  My daughter thought I was crazy when I started painting on her hand to create the tree.  She had a blast dotting the paint leaves with q-tips!

Remember I mentioned my meeting on Wednesday?  Well, my 2 year old was able to go to a child care room during that time and he brought home this cute apple craft from his class!

My daughter was too old for the classes at the meeting, since they are only for preschool children.  I had her sit in with me and work on an activity where she is learning to spell her last name.  I wrote her last name on a large sheet of paper and had her place stickers on top of the letters in her name.  It kept her occupied for more than half of my hour meeting!

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