Kindergarten Week 4

Week four is coming to a close.  Yes, I know it is only Thursday, but as we sit here, Hurricane Irma is coming closer and closer to us.  We leave in the morning for a safer location and I have no idea when we will be back!  It all depends on her ever changing track and where in her "cone of uncertainty" she will go.  We have had only two days of school this week due to all of the hurricane prep and doctors appointments (well checks!  No sicknesses!)

Due to the limited time I have, I will only be highlighting three activities from this week.  The first being a 100s chart mystery picture!

I created a little twist on the normal color the picture type mystery pictures and made a 100s chart mystery picture puzzle.  I made the color me worksheet too, but my daughter wanted to do the puzzle.  Since she had never done a mystery picture puzzle, I let her use the answer key so she would know how to arrange the numbers.  We are just learning numbers above 30 so this was good practice for her.

I did help her finish the puzzle, though she did impress me with some number knowledge I did not know she had.  She wanted to get to 100 quickly, since 100  is her favorite number.  She had already done up to number 17, and was frustrated because she could not find the 18 (it had gotten under the rug). She said, "Mom, I'm going to just go to 100 quick like this," and she began skip counting by 10s!  This hundreds chart mystery picture is available in my store

Our big project this week was making a family tree.  I am into genealogy, so I could spend days telling out about our family history and who did what and where many of them came from.  I always did a family tree project when I taught and thought I'd do the same with my daughter.  She drew the pictures of each of her family members up to her grandparents and I helped her arrange them and we talked about whose mom was whose and so forth.

We have been learning the differences between things we need and things we want.  We did this cute sorting activity today to see how much we have understood!

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  1. Thanks for sharing your amazing lesson plans and activities. And hope you are safe and protected.

    1. You are welcome! Right now we are at home and have rain. No wind yet, but it looks like she is heading much further west than previously thought, which is great for us.


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