Kindergarten Week 7

So, this week was the first week since we started school where we did our lessons everyday!

We continued our fall theme with these tissue paper leaves.  The leaf templates we used can be found in this Fall Themed Packet.

We finally mastered beginning sounds and have moved on to ending sounds.  I found this fun set of ending sound games for free from This Reading Mama! When she sees me pull one of these games out, she says, "Mom!  I want to do that first!"

First off please ignore my feet... I forgot to crop this picture and I just don't have time to do that right at the moment!  We have been learning about being friends.  I found this cute sorting activity for free, but I could not relocate it to give you the link and the creator did not place her information anywhere on the product!

On Wednesday, we had a field trip to Chick-fil-A with our MOPS group where we saw how they made lemonade.  My two children were fortunate enough to help dump the sugar into the lemon juice, which resulted in sugar flying across the table onto the floor.  

They also made a fall leave craft where they took a bundle of q-tips, dipped them in paint and pressed them on the paper to make the leaves.

We broke out he Legos this week and spelled our last name.

We made apples out of our Legos as well.  This was my example.  My daughter destroyed her yellow apple before I could get a picture! 

Since we have been learning about cubes and rectangular prisms, we decided to make some out of Legos as well this week!

As a bonus this week, my mother took my daughter to Wendy's on Sunday for dinner.  This came in her kids meal.  She put it together between some of her school lessons then said, "Look Momma!  It's a cube like you told me about!"

We did a STEM activity where the kids got marshmallows and toothpicks and were allowed to make what they wanted.  I demonstrated a square for the two year old but he decided he wanted to build train tracks.  I made a cube for my daughter since that is one of the 3D shapes we have been focusing on this week.

We continued learning about the letter A with the toddler.  We made this alligator craft!

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