A is for Apple Tree

This activity was created to help my children learn all about the letter A.  It consist of an image of a tree which is to be placed on one side of a manila folder and you would need to glue an envelope or other type of pocket to the other side of the folder for storing the apples.  The apples need to be cut out and laminated for durability.

There are two games that can be played with this packet.
1.  One way is to use the set of apples that include the letter A in different forms as well as other letters.  All the apples with the letter A need to be put on the tree and the other apples on the ground.
2.  Another way to play is to use the picture cards.  All the pictures that begin with A belong on the tree while the pictures that do not begin with A belong on the ground.

A blank apple page is also provided with my download.  The teacher or students can draw their own A pictures or write their own letter A on the apples to add more apples to the game.  Other uses for these apples is to create other apple themed games using sight words or number recognition as well.

This download provides the games in color and in black and white.

To download a copy of A is for Apple Tree folder game activity, please click HERE.


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