The Connett Connection

Well, today starts a new adventure for me and our family.  My oldest is getting ready for kindergarten.  Kindergarten.  That means she is five years old.  FIVE.  It seems like yesterday that she was born.

Anyways, this new adventure is not only for my daughter, who is excited about learning, but it is also new to me.  I will be teaching her.  Yes, we are home schooling.  I plan to home school as long as I am able.

In preparing for her kindergarten year, I decided to tackle making my own curriculum for her.  Everything I looked at had some deficiency and I could not bring myself to pay hundreds of dollars on a curriculum I could only use part of.

I began looking at sites like Teachers Pay Teachers and Teachers Notebook for ideas and resources, and found tons, but not all were packaged in a way that was useful to me.  I could pay money for a group of activities when I was only interested in one or two pages.  It did not seem practical to me to do so.

This is when I decided, why not make my own worksheets and activities to fill in the gaps of what I could not find already made.  Then from there, it progressed to why not sell my products too!

Well, here I am.  My first blog post about my new adventure.  I opened a free store on both Teacher Pay Teachers and Teachers Notebook as a trial to see how all this goes.

Wish me luck!


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