I am a homeschooling mom of 4. I currently have a second grader, Pre-K, preschooler and infant. I also have my own business where I create materials that I use to teach my children at home.
Number Cards 1-100 Updated
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I have just updated my number card packet to include tally mark cards and base ten cards!
So you have been saving those tops from applesauce or baby food pouches, because, lets face it, you are a teacher and you do not throw ANYTHING away if it MIGHT be useful... right? So now you have a little collection started and you are wondering, "What in the world can I do with all these colorful pouch tops?!" This post strives to give you several fun and engaging ideas to use these tops in your classroom. Counters These pouch tops make excellent counters for math, especially when learning to count or recognize numbers 1-20. ( Counting Mats 1-10 and Counting Mats 11-20 ) Patterns Create patterns or use pattern cards to complete patterns with these pouch tops! You can get a set of pattern cards for FREE here ---> Pouch Top Printables Building A Pyramid Build A Tower Color Sorting Give students different colored tops and have them sort the tops according to color. You can let them group the tops on their own or give the...
Here is a list of 100 ideas that you can do in your classroom or adapt for your home to celebrate the 100th day of school! Links are provided to the printables needed to complete some of the activities. 1. Count to 100. 2. Dress up as a 100 year old person. 3. Write a story: If I were 100 I would... 4. Write a story: If I had $100 I would buy... 5. Make 100th Day Hats 6. Make a necklace out of 100 pieces of cereal. 7. Flip a penny 100 times and record the results. 8. Use q-tips to put 100 dots on a sheet of paper. 9. Put 100 stickers on a hundreds chart. 10. Hide 100 pieces of candy around the room and have the students find them. 11. Make a 100th day snack by using two round cookies and one graham cracker stick. 12. Complete a 100s Chart Mystery Picture . 13. Do 100 exercises. 14. Snack: Give students 10 pieces of 10 different types of small snack like foods to...
Here is a collection of apple activities we have done this year! I did these with my five year old and my 2 year old! Here was our first art project! The letter outline we used can be found in my Lowercase Letter Outlines ! We got to be scientists as we studied what part of an apple floats or sinks. The recording pages can be found in this Let's Be Scientists packet ! I wrote a more detailed blog post about it HERE ! We looked at and sequenced the life cycle of an apple. We also did this art project where my kids colored their apple then tore red paper to decorate it! My two year old LOVED ripping up the paper! These printables can be found in this Apple Themed Packet ! We used this hundred's chart number recognition activity to kick off our apple theme this year! The number chart came from Simply Kinder but I could not find where the pattern we used came from. This is a neat little art project my son (2 ye...
Looking for activities to go along with teaching the letter M? Look below to see the activities we have done! We often begin out letter of the week activities with a letter hunt and a letter sorting activity. I hid the letter M cards around the house and send my kid off to find them. As he finds the letters, he brings them to the table and sorts them for capital and lowercase letters. My son has gotten where he loves this sorting activity. He can look through precut letters or cut his own letters to sort on this capital and lowercase letter sorting mat . We made letter Ms using marshmallows and toothpicks. My son (3) had a little difficulty placing the toothpicks into the marshmallows and getting them to stay, but my 6 year old had no trouble at all. We continued our marshmallow theme by lining our letter M mat with mini marshmallows. It was a fun activity and a tasty snack after he was done! M is for money! We raided t...
We have finally started the letter B. We began by telling my 2 year old that the letter B is the first letter in his name. He wasn't impressed. He has no motivation to do any of the letter B crafts so far. He was so excited about letter A and doing "school" with sissy, I thought he would like to continue with new activities. I guess the novelty of it has worn off. Letter hunts are so much fun! We went through our toy room and found a variety of items that start with B! A bowl from the kitchen area, blocks, a bug, a bus, a bear, a bow, a ball, a letter B from our alphabet puzzle, a banana from our fruit puzzle and a bridge from our train set! My five year old wanted to get in on the letter B action so I asked her if she could make a "bee pattern" on her letter B. She said, "Yes! That is so easy!" and the above is what she made for me. My two year old was tasked with coloring his letter B black and blue. He was m...
Check out this post for activities all about the letter F! F is for feather! Simply print off a letter F outline , give the student some feathers and have them make the letter F with their feathers! Build the letter F with pouch tops! Print off the letter F mat to help guide students in making the letter F. This is one of my son's favorite activities! Another one of my son's favorite activities are playdough mats ! I place the page in a page protector (playdough does not stick to page protectors!) so that the sheet can be reused. F is for fire! We printed off the letter F on card stock . I gave each of my kids red and yellow paint and a paint brush. They painted their letter F with both colors, mixing to make orange as desired. While the paint was still wet, they crumpled tissue paper to give texture. This is the same mat used for the playdough mats . I simply removed it from the sleeve and we hunted for...
Looking for activities to go along with teaching the letter P? Look below to see the activities we have done! P is for pepperoni pizza! We used brown and red crayons for crust and sauce, used yellow paper shreds for cheese and red circles for pepperoni for this letter P craft! The Letter Outline can be found here: Capital Letter Outline These letter P pages use pouch top to build each letter. With one page for the capital letter P, and one page for the lowercase letter P, these pages were a favorite with my preschooler! These pages are found here: Pouch Top Alphabet Mats Another favorite around here are playdough mats. My boys have LOVED using playdough, so I try to incorporate that in all aspects of their schooling. This page is found here: Alphabet Playdough Mats These dot painting pages were a HUGE hit with my daughter. She loves all things art, so I try to add some for her to do each we...
I have spent the last several weeks collecting pine cones to use with my kids for a few projects this winter. The first project we did was this turkey pine cone art project. It was more difficult than I initially anticipated. The feathers kept falling off the turkey, even after we glued them in. Perhaps they would stick better with hot glue, but I am not comfortable with my 5 year old using a hot glue gun! We made a pine cone Christmas tree as well. We painted the pine cone green and glued different colored pom poms to the inside of the cone. We made these cute pine cone owls as well! Simply stuff the pine cone with cotton and glue eyes and a beak! This makes a perfect craft for a winter animal or owl unit! We also painted with our pine cones. We dipped our pine cones in paint and rolled them around our paper! We made rainbow pine cones to decorate our counter! My daughter loved making the pine cone all different ...
Check out this post for activities all about the letter J! J is for Jaguar - Use these capital letter outlines to create a jaguar print letter J. We simply colored the J yellow and then used a q-tip with black paint to make the rosettes. We used pouch tops to fill in our letter J mat! These letter mats are one of our favorite activities! We used juice to paint these lowercase letter j pictures. The kids loved doing this different kind of art. We used these letter pages as playdough mats. My son loves using playdough so we try to incorporate it into each week of letter learning. When we finish with the playdough, we use the same mats to sort capital and lowercase versions of the letter. These stamping pages are a favorite activity around here! They make a great fine motor activity and allows for hand-eye coordination practice. [These pages are found here ---> Alphabet Stamping Cente...
Looking for activities to go along with teaching the letter A? Look below to see the activities we have done! When introducing the letter A, I like to give the kids a large outline of the letter to do with what they want to, just so they can see the letter and get used to how it looks. My two year old decided he wanted to color with markers and wanted to put some apple stickers on it as well! This is a fun little activity I saw on one of my preschool Facebook groups. Get a box and fill it with things that start with the letter you are working on! Here is our letter A box: apple slice, alligator, A magnet, airplanes, cards from our letter A train and Apple Jack! As we find more A things we will add them to our box! [When my son started the alphabet, we just collected items. That is the picture to the right.] We sorting capital and lowercase letter As with these sorting mats. We looked through ma...
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