Word Builder Games

Directions for the basic game:

CVC Word Builder Game
Print out pages 2-7 on heavy card stock. Cut the two game cards apart and cut out the letter squares. Laminate for durability.  You may want to print out multiple copies of the letter tiles as needed.

How to play: (2-4 players)
1. Build a CVC word on the mat to start the game.  Use the colors to guide students on where to place the letters.
2.  Give each student 5 letter tiles.
3.  The first player will choose one of their letter tiles to place on top of another letter tile to create a new word.
4.  If it is the students turn and they cannot make a new word, then the student will draw a new letter tile in hopes of making a word.
5.  Game ends when no student can play a tile during their turn or you run out of letter tiles.

After mastering CVC words, cards with digraphs, blends and vowel combinations can be added.  All these sound cards and various game boards are included in this packet.

To get your copy of the Word Builder Game, click HERE!


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