Number and Addition Clip Cards

So today started out like any other.  I got up, changed the baby, fed the baby and laid him on his play mat.  I then got breakfast for the older two, chocolate chip waffles, their favorite breakfast in the world.  I then opened the curtain on the back window then reached for my vacuum which has been camped out by that particular window for a few days now and proceeded to vacuum up the 10 or so flies that had congregated there during the night.

You see, the last few days we have been battling a fly infestation.  Until this morning, I had no idea where Ms. Momma Fly laid all her eggs as I hadn't seen any of her babies crawling around anywhere.  Well, after getting the kids breakfast I look over at the kitchen and thought, I really need to sweep!  But then also had a thought, I just swept yesterday and we haven't eaten in there since!  Well, I got up to sweep up what ever crumbs some magic crumb fairy had left there only to discover it was all maggots... hundreds of maggots crawling on my newly cleaned kitchen floor.

I grabbed my vacuum to clean them all up, but before I got them all I did give my daughter a short science lesson on the life cycle of a fly and showed her what a maggot looked like and then told her to tell me if she saw anymore so I could clean them up.  Well, she proceeds for the next hour walking around the kitchen yelling, "Mom!  There's one!"  "Look here!  There are three here!"  "Five Momma!  Five over here!"  So a science and a counting lesson all before 8am!

Speaking of counting, I have a new product, well two actually!

They are Number and Addition Clip Cards, and guess what makes them so special?  They are self checking!  Students can clip their answers and then turn the cards over to see if they are right!

Simply print out each page, cut each number rectangle out (long ways and keep the number page attached to the answer key!) then fold the card in half at the middle line so that the number card is on one side and the answer key appears on the other side.  Laminate for durability!

Students will mark their answers and then turn the card over to see if they are right!

The number set has two types of cards, one with simple number recognition and the other where you match the number to die, ten frames, base ten blocks and tally marks.

The addition set has one card for each sum from 1-10.  The student must clip the problems that have the same sum as the number in the circle.

To get your copy of the number clip cards, click HERE!

To get your copy of the addition clip cards, click HERE!


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