100 Elkonin Boxes for 2, 3 and 4 Phonemes

Elkonin Cards are great for learning phonemes and segmenting and blending sounds. Students look at the card, touch each square for each sound in the word then trace the arrow as they blend the sounds to form the word that the picture represents.


I have been using Elkonin cards for the last few weeks with my daughter to help strengthen some of her phonological awareness skills.  It has been a slow, uphill, road we've been walking, but she seems to be improving.  Hopefully as we keep working and focusing on the sounds themselves, she will understand more.


This set of Elkonin cards has several uses:

1. Use the blank Elkonin boxes (page 3) and print out pages 4-11. Cut apart and laminate for durability. Please the picture inside the correct Elkonin box and use as you would any other Elkonin box.
2. Print out pages 12-36, cut apart an laminate for durability. Use like other Elkonin cards.
3. Print pages 4-11 and use them as a sorting activity. Sort pictures for 2, 3, and 4 phonemes. You can also sort for like sounds (beginning/middle/end).
4. Using pages 12-36, cover one of the boxes with a marker (or paper square) and have child say the sound that the marker is covering.

I feel we will still work on these for the next few weeks.  I have made 100 of these cards all focusing on 2, 3 and 4 phoneme words.  I hope to make more as I make more clip art, but for not, these 100 will, hopefully, help my daughter.

Would you like to have a set of these cards?  Just click HERE!

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