Sister's Art Work

A new thing I'm going to start to do with this blog is to showcase my daughter's artwork.  She draws and creates art everyday and I feel so horrible when I have to get rid of some of it.  So, now I've decided to photograph her best work and show it off so that I can look back and see it.  It makes her excited when she knows I want to show off her work.

This latest one I found taped to my kitchen cabinet. She decided to decorate my cabinets!

She drew herself and her oldest brother.  I told her she did an excellent job depicting her brother's curly headed mess!

She has been watching a lot of "How to Draw" videos and this is one the drawings she made based on a "How to Draw Lemonade" video.

This picture is an Easter Book she created.  She "reads" it all the time, each time making up a different story.

I'm not exactly sure what this is supposed to be.  I know the purple and pink things in the middle are ornaments.  I think she tried to make a bag to put them in.

This is by far my favorite of her drawings.  This was another one of the "How to Draw" videos.  It is supposed to depict a zombie hand rising out of the ground.


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