We're Going on a Rock Hunt

Last night at church, my oldest got to paint rocks.  I'm guessing they are going to put them around town like the new Facebook rock groups do.  Well, she really wanted to make her own, so we all got ready this morning and went to find rocks we could paint.

Here is us starting our walk... so much energy and enthusiasm.

Our first rock!  Ok, I know it is a chunk of cement from the crumbling curb, but the kids didn't care.  I think we ended up with 20 or so rocks to paint.  As soon as I get the paint we can start decorating!

We also saw this amazingly large mushroom.  It was as big around as my foot is long.

Be on the lookout in a couple of days for the results of our painted rocks!  I hope they turn out exactly how my daughter is expecting!

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