Rainbows and Frogs

Rainbows and frogs... or was it a toad?  I have no earthly idea how to tell the difference.  Both of my older kids were taught a lesson last night and neither of them were planned!

As we are coming home from Wednesday night church, we decided to surprise my parents with a visit.  My daughter was not happy.  She wanted to go home and make a puppet for her brother.  I told her she could after we spend a few minutes with Grandma and Granddaddy.  We were getting out of the car, my daughter refusing to budge, when I saw the rainbow.  I told my daughter that I could see a rainbow in the sky, with lots of purple.  She could not get out of the car fast enough! 


This little guy was hanging out by my mom's front door.  My son was fascinated with it.  "Wus at mommy?" I told him it was a frog.  He knows frogs hop, so he wanted to make him hop.  He wanted to make him hop by scaring the little frog out of its mind by attempting to step on him.  Thankfully I stopped that from happening and explained that we do not step on frogs.  We can look at them but we do not step on them.

Once we finally got inside, we had only planned to stay 10 minutes or so (you see my parents live a 5 minute walk from our house).  Right as we started to leave, it began pouring rain.  So our 10 minute stay turned into an one hour stay.  Thankfully my parents do not mind.

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