Updates and Revamps

I have learned a great deal over the last few days on selling and presenting my products.  I'm going to go through all my posted products and update them.

I will be updating the following items:

Product Covers -- I learned some tips to making better covers, so I will be going through the products and making the covers more "standoutish" and giving them all a similar look so my store looks more uniform.  I will also be adding my store logo to my cover pages.  This is called branding, and I'm told it is important so people can quickly recognize who made the product.

Copyright -- I learned that placing a copyright text in my document can help several ways. One, it can help buyers remember where the product came from if others ask since all they have to do is look at the page.  Two, if someone copies your work as is, your copyright is there and it is easier to report.  I was told that one should put their copyright on each page of their document, so this will take a while to do!

Terms of Use -- I had already included a terms of use with my clip art, but now I will be adding it to all my files.

Thank You Page -- A nice, polite page thanking the customer for buying the product.

Recommendation Page -- An area suggesting other products in my store that are related to the product purchased.  I'm still trying to figure out how to link images into a file, so this one may not make it in the files yet.  I'll have to update this later.

I've already updated my first item.


This product went from no cover to this cover.  The main pages were reworked to be more organized and more professional.  This is a FREE resource.  To checkout the changes I made you can check it out HERE.


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