Beginning Sound Games - Center Bundle

So, I have finished my first big bundle!  It includes the following products:

This game is designed to help students learn beginning sounds. There are three different game boards that cover a variety of beginning sounds.

Game 1: V, S, C, B, F, J
V: Vase matches with: vine, van, volcano, valley
S: Snake matches with: sun, sail boat,sock, sad
C: Cat matches with: can, car, carrot, cup, cactus
B: Bat matches with: box, balloon, ball, bell, bee, bow
F: Fan matches with: fish, foot
J: Jar matches with: jellyfish

Game 2: D, L, G, H, R, W
D: Diamond matches with: drum
L: Ladder matches with: leg, leaf, ladybug, lamp, log
G: Game matches with: goggles
H: Hat matches with: hot dog, ham, hay
R: Rat matches with: ring, rug, rain, rainbow
W: Wagon matches with: whale, worm, water, web

Game 3: Y, K, P, M, N, T
Y: Yolk matches with: yam, yarn
K: Kite matches with: key, kangaroo
P: Pig matches with: peanut, planet, pumpkin, palm
M: Mat matches with moon, mug, mushroom
N: Nail matches with nest, net, nose
T: Tree matches with triangle, train, tub

To play, cut out the game board and the corresponding pieces. Laminate for durability. Match the game cards to the pictures on the game board. This can be a single player game where one student completes the whole board, or a group of students can take turns placing the pictures in the appropriate spots.

Includes a blank set of cards to make your own!

This set contains 118 different picture cards for matching beginning sounds. Each picture has two sets of cards, one with the word shown but missing the beginning letter and one without the word.

To play this game, you will need clothes pins. Once the cards are printed and cut out, students simply clip the clothes pin on the letter that represents the beginning sound of the picture.

This set is a growing set! I make and create my own clip art, so I'll add to this set as I continue creating!

This set contains 122 different pictures each with their own beginning sound matching card.

This set contains 116 different picture cards with words each with their own beginning sound matching card.

Several ways to play
**Give students a set of cards and have them match the cards according to their beginning sound.
**Play concentration with a set of cards where you match the card with its beginning sound or match two cards with the same beginning sound.
**Laminate the cards with the words and have students write with dry erase markers the letter the picture begins with.

This set is a growing set! I make and create my own clip art, so I'll add to this set as I continue creating!

Interested in this bundle??  Click HERE 


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