Kindergarten Week 2

Ever have a day, or week that did not go as planned?  Well this week has been that week!  All of us have been sick.  The older boy started it with a bad ear infection over the weekend.  My daughter started with a headache and soar throat on Tuesday.  I got that from her a few days later.  My husband stayed home on Thursday sick and the baby was diagnosed on Friday with a double ear infection.  So, we did not do nearly as much school as I had planned!
Well, now on to our update on what we did do this week in Kindergarten.

We continued working on sums up to five.  We did a Lego task card activity, which my daughter loved, to help review what we learned last week.  She built a math problem with her Legos, filled in the number bond and colored in the block strips.

We have been learning all about living and non-living things in our science lessons.  We are doing a lot of sorting activities and talking about what makes something a living creature.  The above is one she had to color cut and sort.

With this living and nonliving sorting activity, she sorted these real life photographs into living and nonliving.  This one was used a little more critical thinking in knowing that a jack-o-lantern and a brown leaf are not living even though they once were.

We also discussed how living things grow and change. She had fun comparing herself and her baby brother and how they were different since she is bigger and he is a baby.

We also continued to work on beginning sounds, using both worksheets and sorting activities.  She is grasping it better and better each day and is gaining more confidence in her knowledge.  She will attempt the sorting activities on her own now! 

We continued learning our sight words.  This activity is where I took a mix of sight words we are working on and some she knows really well.  I would say a sight word, then use it in a sentence and she would cover it up with a colored chip!

We have been doing an all about me theme the last few weeks as a kind of social studies unit.  She has been doing a lot of activities related to her family, like drawing pictures, learning our address and phone number, learning her parent's names and other things she needs to know.

We've also been working on an apple theme, just for fun.  We have been sequencing the apple tree in seasons and its life cycle!  The apple pages and activities we have been using can be found in this Apple Themed Packet!

Well, that was our week in school!  How did your week go?

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