Peanuts and Lighthouses

 On Saturday, we took the kids out to a sit down restaurant.  This is the first time we ventured to do this with all three kids.  We get there and there is a forty-five minute wait.  We were not leaving.  We had coupons for free kids meals, and we were going to use them before they expired!

While my husband stayed at the restaurant with the baby I took the older two to walk around outside.  Not far away from the restaurant is this light house (which I believe is a security tower for the outlet mall).  My daughter has wanted to go see it for a while now since we see it every time we go on the interstate.

They were so excited about how tall it was.  I'm sure they would be mesmerized if they saw the one down at the beach.

There was also decorative plants and a fountain next to the lighthouse, so we looked at those for a while before heading back to the restaurant. 

We get back to the restaurant to discover they have peanuts.  I don't think my kids have seen peanuts still in the shell.  They both got a lesson on how to shell and eat a peanut.  My son loved to break them open but would not eat them.  My daughter ate as many as she could, which is good since she didn't like her mac-n-cheese kids meal.

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