Summer Days

We still have a few days of summer before we go full swing into Kindergarten!  I was planning on starting this upcoming Monday, but she has been invited to go on a trip with her uncle and cousins so we may be pushing school back one more week just so she can go.  This is one reason I love homeschooling!  It can be so flexible! 

We are still working on some phonics skills.  We've been focusing on words with 2 and 3 phonemes.  I am trying to show her how to segment and blend the sounds that she hears in these words.  We are struggling, but making progress!

Today, we worked some with Elkonin boxes.  She likes the tactile nature of this activity because she can touch and move to say and blend the sounds.  These seem to be working better than the worksheets. 

We did do one worksheet today where she had to sort the pictures on whether the words had one phoneme or two.  This particular sheet can be found for free at The Teachable Teacher's store.

As I mentioned, she is struggling with phonics.  She is beginning to understand the sounds in words, but still can't tell you where in the word the sound it.  She is getting better with the sound at the beginning but middle and ending sounds she just can't seem to grasp.  If you know of any other activities or games I can try with her to get these phonic concepts to "stick" please let me know in the comments below!

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