Word Cards You Can Make at Home!

I just remembered I had a whole bucket of word cards and clothes pins that I used to use with my Pre-K class when I taught that I could pull out and use with my daughter!  I used to place them in my writing center and change them out with the different themes and holidays we covered throughout the year.

I would begin the year with my shapes, numbers and color cards in the center, as seen here and from there move on to the other themes.  I will show examples from my different themes at the end of this post.  For now, I will show you different ways to use these in a writing or literature center.

The most common way I would use the cards was to have the students use clothes pins and spell the word using the pins.

Another way was to spell the word using letter tiles or magnet letters.

Another way was to have the students write the word on a sheet of paper.

I made a ton of these when I was in the Pre-K classroom.  All I did was take sentence strips and cut them all the same size.  I then looked through magazines and found pictures to glue onto the strips then just wrote the word on the strip.  Easy Peasy!  I laminated them so they would last longer.  If I needed any extra pictures to complete a theme, I just printed them off the computer.

Some of the themes I made for my classroom:



CVC Words



Body Parts

I also had a food, clothing, tools, toys, weather and various holiday themed sets.

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