Let's Be Scientists with Apples!

We have been working through an apple theme since we started school in mid August.  We've done all sorts of apple activities.  Today, we did our first science experiment, do apples float or sink?


Above are the sheets we used for this experiment.  The first one has detailed instructions on what to do as well as a material list.  The second page is the recording sheet where you can make your predictions and record your results.  The final page is a journal page for reflecting on what was observed!


Here is our first test, the whole apple.

Next we did half an apple.

This picture shows all the parts of the apple in the bucket.


Here is the recording sheet my daughter filled out.  She got half of her predictions right!


Here is her journal page.  I wrote as she dictated to me.  She is not writing on her own yet, but I feel it is important to model the writing for her.

She had a lot of fun with this experiment.  It was easy for her to do all of the instructions and it only took us about 15 minutes to do the entire experiment.  She got to eat the apple when it was all over!  That was her favorite part!

Do you like the experiment?  Look HERE to have a closer look!

Looking for other apple themed activities?  Check out these Apple Themed Pre-K and Kindergarten Activities and Centers Packet!

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  1. This looks like so much fun! I love the recording sheets!

    1. Thank you! My daughter loved doing the experiment!


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