Simple Number Review Idea

So as we go through each day of school, I want to make sure my daughter still knows and understands her numbers 1-30.  We are reviewing each morning with a number of the day.

For the number of the day activity, she gets to write the number, the number name and add that many stickers to her little poster.  She then gets to hang the poster by herself to create her own number wall.

Here is a picture of what she has done so far:

I forgot to have her do day four and she reminded me later that day that she "did not do her number paper to hang up."

The best thing about this activity?!  It's free! (Well you have to buy the materials but the idea is completely free!)  We have all these things around the house all the time, plus it helps us use the hoard of stickers we seem to accumulate!

If you are teaching your kids about numbers, below are some good resources to reinforce that learning!

Learn and recognize the different number representations for the numbers 1-10 with these number clip strips.
These clip cards are self checking.  Learn number recognition and different number representations with these 20 clip cards for the numbers 1-10.
These number of the day pages focus on finding, tracing, writing, drawing and tally-marking each number from 1-100.
This product has a coloring page, a small puzzle option and a large puzzle option for teaching number recognition from 1-100.

This free resource can be used with any number from 0-99.  It is a great resource for a number of the day activity where you want the students to represent the number in several different ways.

This set contains cards from 1-100 in many different variations.  This would make a great resource for matching or sorting numbers, putting in order from largest to smallest or smaller to larger, plus many other activities.
These pages focus on the numbers 1-20 where students must recognize the number in different representation.  The white circles can be dabbed, colored or covered with the correct color.
These number outlines are great for craft or coloring activities.  Add stickers or glue objects to the numbers for a fun counting activity.  They are available from numbers 1-20.

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  1. What a fun way to teach math. Thanks for sharing your creative activities.

  2. Great ideas for building up number sense each day. Love the poster of the day idea!

  3. This will be perfect for my daughter! She loves stickers and will have so much fun counting them.


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