Kindergarten Week 1

Week one of Kindergarten is done!  It was a rough week, not because school was stressful or rough, but just life that happened in between.

I already wrote two pretty extensive posts on our first two days.  Wednesday did not fair so well.  We did not have any school on Wednesday.  We took a trip to South Carolina and had lunch with daddy at work.  I did not want to try and rush school before or after, so we just took the day off.

Thursday was a little better.  We did all our morning work and math, then piled in the car and ventured off to story time at the library.  There is a new story time teacher, but my daughter loved all the new songs and finger plays that she learned.  Afterwards we went to my mother's to visit with my grandmother for a while since she is in town then came home and finished our other lessons.

Friday was even more hectic.  My oldest son woke up crying and obviously feeling bad.  I decided he needed to go to the doctor, and good thing, he has a bad ear infection.  We did do our morning work, but that was about it.  I took some of her work to my mom's where she worked on it while I took her brother to the doctor.  I did just realize that we did not even do our math lesson at all...

Some of the stuff we worked on the last few days:

We started our apple theme this week.  We will continue over the next couple of weeks learning all about apples!  My daughter loves these mystery pictures!  I told her she had to color the code to figure out what we are going to learn about.

This was some free art that she completed on her own.  She got these stickers in a gift and wanted to use them right away.  When she finished, she begged me to take a picture of it, so here it is!

We also continued the sight word: we, using a sheet from Confessions of a Homeschooler.


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